09 Apr 2015
Payment gateways are important for eCommerce to prosper and the continuity of the internet as a functioning business market. Major payment gateway companies are supported by clearFusionSHOP and this simplifies …
26 Mar 2015
clearFusionShop V2.0.2 has been released with support for PayPal Payments Pro and Braintree payment gateways giving you and your customers more choice.
19 Jan 2015
Version 2.0.1 of clearFusionSHOP is now available and includes support for Stripe payment gateway, giving you more choice.
06 Jan 2014
clearFusionSHOP 1.2.0 have now been released and are available from our website.
11 Jul 2013
Payment gateways we currently support. Are we missing your favourite? Let us know we can usually add it free of charge.
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